So be sure when you step. You step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Three Rare Occurrences of the Week

To prevent disappointment, let me promptly clarify that in this situation, "rare" does not imply exciting or eventful.  It was a rather boring week that provided very little posting material and photo-worthy moments.

But it should be documented that Hayden spent his first FULL night sleeping in his big boy bed.  He has napped in his bed before but usually his underhanded request to sleep in his big boy bed is an attempt to actually not sleep at all.

If I agree to his "request", he will immediately lay on his bed and say, "Good night, mom."
He will close his eyes and begin to fake snore.
After about 20 seconds, he will open one eye to see if I left the room yet.
Of course, I am always still standing right there.  

Perhaps this is my fault from decorating his room with a plethora of toys.  There is a ballpit, a slide and a train table, to name off the larger items.   I find it to be a double-sided situation because I want him to play in his room - during the day
I don't know how you teach a three year old to resist the temptation of a train table at 2am outside of moments like this one - those created by luck:

It also deserves to be noted that I swam three days this week.
Yes, that is rare.  In fact, it may be a first.  
I was delighted to discover that the pool in which I assumed was yards, is actually a metered-pool.  This makes me substantially less slow...albeit, still slow.
I've played around with my stroke and determined that all the following combinations yield the same amount of slowness:
- bi-lateral breathing, every third stroke
- every fourth breath, right side
- every fourth breath, left side
- every second breath, right side
- every second breath, left side
 Now I am out of options and using my secret weapon last resort (aka, Olympic swimmer friend turned teacher).

The final thing worth mentioning is that David and I went out on a date.
I admit, it's a bit sad, but these date-nights are few and far between (perhaps 4 a year?)  But you have to be grateful for what you can get - I cannot complain.
The kids had no problem complaining, though.

First, Hayden brought over his sandals and announced he would be joining us:
And without missing a minute, Brenna demanded to go as well:
At that point, we understood that we were not going to get our token date photo of us canoodling and staring passionately into each other's eyes.   David put down Brenna and we dashed out the door as both kids corrupted in high-pitched, ear-shredding screams.
It was hard to feel sorry for them since they were about to go out for Mexican food with their grandparents - and I am sure it was better than the "Mexican food" that I prepare for them by hiding cauliflower puree  under the cheese of a quesadilla,  or by adding finely diced kale to their taco meat.

Rumor has it they had a very fun night and barely missed us.

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to add that Brenna and Hayden had the treat of watching Lawrence Welk.
