So be sure when you step. You step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Babies Train, Session 2

The babies and I hit up the park for our regular exercise training.

I could tell it was going to be a good day when everyone allowed me to put on their shoes and socks. I won't say that there was no resistance, but it was minimal. These days, "minimal" is as good as it gets.

After playing, I asked, "Who wants to run?" and both kids dashed over the sidewalk. And just like that, Brenna flew off in an impressive sprint, leaving Hayden in the dust sand.

Pacing is a learned skill and Brenna quickly tired out, giving Hayden the opportunity to catch up:

And then Brenna become distracted by something on the ground, something so minuscule that only a toddler's eye would be interested. Perhaps it was an ant, or a piece of grass.

Hayden decided to steer clear of the course to run down a hill. Brenna gleefully followed.

As we all know, downhills are fun but uphills are work. Hayden got fatigued and Brenna sprinted forward once they returned to the sidewalk. Just like her mom, she sticks her tongue out, revealing her deep concentration.

Unable to resist his urge to peer over the overpass, point and say, "car", Brenna made the final pass:

And like nothing short of a rock star, Brenna gave it her all until the end:

Although it wasn't technically the end - we still had a little longer until we returned to the park - but in the life of a toddler, the end is when you feel like being done. It's where you sit down.

After all, when you are two, logistics are not your problem.

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