So be sure when you step. You step with care and great tact and remember that Life's a Great Balancing Act.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

It's summer time

Yesterday I ran in the hottest temperature so far this year:

I did 8 miles at South Mountain and only needed to stop at the water fountain once (nor was I thirsty at the end) so it didn't feel very hot at all...but 98 degrees is just the start of what is about to come - soon it will be over 100.

So what does that mean for me?

In terms of training, it means less running. I refuse to use a treadmill so all my running will have to be done at the crack of dawn. I will still run with the babies, assuming they wake up early enough. Lately they have been sleeping in.

I will also cycle outdoors less, however I dont mind cycling inside on my trainer. In fact, I like it - there is no wind!!

I will also find my way back into the air conditioned weight room, and spend a little more time in the pool.

In terms of the twins, it means less time outside. We have been spoiled with beautiful temperatures since November...we have spent so much time visiting parks, taking walks, and playing in the backyard.

I have already scoped out potential indoor places to replace the parks. Over the weekend, we conquered the mall which has a big play-area. The play area is hectic; kids run around rampant. Brenna really enjoyed it, especially this little slide:

Hayden liked it, but not as much. He was more interested in the coin-operated rides. The same rides that used to cost a quarter now cost a dollar...unfortunately, this price increase does not mean the rides are longer. They still only last a few minutes and this upset Hayden. There were a few tantrums at the end of each ride.

There is also a train that goes around the first, Hayden was scared...
But he was loving it by the end.

And he threw a tantrum.

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